We know it’s not only about the business:
we strive to do what we do according to our guiding principles
Sustainability – We believe there is a better way
1200 m 2 of solar cell systems
Almost 80% of our internal demand is auto-produced since 2008. A 140kW extension has been implemented in 2023
Solar water heaters
50% reduction of energy required for ironing
Harming chemicals banned
Combined with carbon active filters to minimize our impact on the staff’s healt and the environment
Slow Fiber Partner
Proud member of Slow Fiber a network of companies that believe there is a better way to produce
innovative recycling methods
Always seeking new ways to improve circularity through partnerships with innovative startups
Local Involvement – We live our territory daily
Local Team Sponsorhip
One of the historic sponsors for Santhià Volleyball and for Alicese FC as well as local tournaments main sponsor
We give back to the community we belong to
Thousands of face masks donated to local townships, associations and teams during the Covid pandemic
Our Staff
We believe in giving people the opportunity to grow and we focus on hiring women and under 30
WE Support your sustainability
Wide portfolio of sustainable materials for your products
Latest news
Partners of “In Mare senza barriere”
Sponsorship of “In mare senza barriere” an initiative to bring closer people with disability to sailing
50 years of history
We have been pleased to celebrate with our employees and our community our 50 years anniversary
Fabbriche Aperte 2023
We have opened our plant to external visitors within the Fabbriche Aperte initiative: great response with more than 100 visitors in 2 days + a dedicated visit for deaf visitors with the Vedovoci association.
Defilè Maestri Sartori
Partecipation to the fashion parade within the Terra della Lana project, of which we are partners.
Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori
In the person of Cecilia Salussolia as Vice President Stamperia Alicese is represented and supports the initiatives of Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori, the youth section of Unione Industriale Biellese.
Partner of “Dal dire al fare” project that is focused on better integration between school and companies: the aim is to provide a concrete response to youth difficulties in finding work and avoid the risk of social exclusion.
Teaching Projects
Part of our leftovers materials are given to local schools such as CPIA (centro provinciale istruzione adulti) to enable and support professional training courses.
Local School Support
We support and are visited by numerous schools: the last visit was part of the Cascina Oremo project, initiative to contrast youth educational Poverty
Charity gifts
Our budget for 2022 Christmas gifts has been entirely devolved to local charity projects, such as “Fra Galdino” and “Filo da Tessere” Reshape Project (more info at caritasbiella.it/fra-galdino & www.filodatessere.com)
ContemporaneA Festival
Financial partner for ContemporaneA Festival – female words and stories: a local project with the goal to bring a “pink” perspective to current literary, social and economical topics.
“Un po’ di sete” Partner
Partner of this local project to increase the awareness about water shortage: two cyclists are riding from Vercelli to river Po’s mouth to carry this message, supported by Slow Food Italy and Associazione Santacruz
Biella European Sport Community2023
Stamperia Alicese is part of the textile companies involved in this project! More updates to come soon
Local partner for Croce Bianca
Local partner for Croce Bianca (sections Alice Castello and Borgo D’Ale) with a donation of personalised T-shirts and hoodies